Apple product lifecycle

Not that this is an Apple blog, but I need to have a few posts of content to play around with, so here goes…

Apple product lifecycle
Photo by Julian O'hayon / Unsplash

The rumours and ‘renders’ of a new Apple Watch X which will theoretically get released this year, or next year or never, do look impossibly appealing. The idea you can take something as incredibly complicated as an Apple Watch and make it half the thickness is mind blowing.

This is nothing new of course. Every so often Apple and literally every other tech company, takes a well known product and gives it a facelift. Except Porsche, but they don’t count.

There’s also a rumoured new thin iPhone next year which may not include all the “Pro” (or perhaps bulky) features.

This does mean that if your devices are getting a little longer in the tooth, there’s a point you can upgrade where you’ll really feel like you’re getting a new generation of device if you can synchronise your upgrades.

This year having new thinner iPads and watches does break this a little, but as someone who tries to keep their technology in service for as long as possible, I’d be upgrading my watch this year after many years of service, and next year is probably the point where my phone stops getting upgrades, so that works out too.

(Update: and just after I post this, I see articles saying there won’t be a redesign this year. I don’t think I should give up the day job in favour of fortune telling then…)